Adding Perspective

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Location: Fort Lee, New Jersey, United States

I am

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Insomniac's Dream

Awake at night
The wise Earth begs
Me - fall asleep.
But I can not
Because my mind's
Made to wander
Its grassy fields.

My mind is set
inside mountains
beneath rivers
above the clouds
on fertile land
from which I grow.

The late hour,
When man in dreams
Forgets present,
I present my
Mind to you, friend.

The earth accepts
But knows the price
I pay in day
When awake I
Sleep dreaming of
My doting earth.

If only time
Could wait for me
To see the earth
In all its form
Before it takes
Me away from
My wandering
Mind's adventure.

If only I could
Arrange the day
To fit my thoughts
I would give such
Wonders back to
Man awaking
From his night's sleep.